Latest 1Z0-047 Exam pdf dumps

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1.Evaluate the CREATE  TABLE statement: CREATE  TABLE products (product_id  NUMBER(6)
CONSTRAINT prod_id_pk PRIMARY KEY, product_name VARCHAR2(15)); Which statement is true
regarding the PROD_ID_PK constraint?
A.It would be created only if a unique index is manually created first.
B.It would be created and would use an automatically created unique index.
C.It would be created and would use an automatically created nonunique index.
D.It would be created and remains in a disabled state because no index is specified in the command.

2.Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A.The USER_SYNONYMS view can provide information about private synonyms.
B.The user SYSTEM owns all the base tables and user­accessible views of the data dictionary.
C.All the dynamic performance views prefixed with V$ are accessible to all the database users.
D.The USER_OBJECTS view can provide information about the tables and views created by the user
E.DICTIONARY is a view that contains the names of all the data dictionary views that the user can access.
Correct:A E

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